Als Alpenblumen noch Märchenwesen waren Buchschatten
Buchschatten Buchschatten
17×24,5 cm, 96 pages, many coloured paintings and of Kerstin Ramm and 38 fotos, hardcover, thread-stitching
ISBN: 978-3-937107-17-2, 15,90 €
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Als Alpenblumen noch Märchenwesen waren
Fairy Tales of the Flowers of the Mountains Alpen
Edith Schneider-Fürchau

A book of plant fairy tales with richly coloured illustrations, 15 new fairy tales from alpflowers and 15 plant portraits with background information on each featured plant, covering botanical as well as socio-historical issues. Because of their shapes, colours and scents, their healing powers as well as the magic powers they are supposedly endowed with, plants have always stirred the human imagination. The flora of the Alps is still a mirror of nativeness of nature independent from the humans. A book for lovers of plants and fairy tales – and for the whole family.

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